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Bridal Unity Part 4: Cultivating the Oil of Intimacy with God
Why cultivating oil with Jesus is the most important thing in your life!!
Mark Torres
Senior Pastor
June 11, 2023
Bridal Unity
Bridal Unity Part 4: Cultivating the Oil of Intimacy with God
Bridal Unity
Bridal Unity: Part 8- Jesus as Bridegroom King: A Poetic Description
Bridal Unity
Mark Torres
Senior Pastor
August 20, 2023
Bridal Unity: Part 7- The Bride's Response to the Marriage of the Lamb
The Marriage of the lamb. We will uncover the details o what is happening during this holy convocation.
Bridal Unity
Mark Torres
Senior Pastor
August 13, 2023
Bridal Unity: Part 6: The Marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19: 1-8)
The Marriage of the lamb. We will uncover the details o what is happening during this holy convocation.
Bridal Unity
Mark Torres
Senior Pastor
July 23, 2023
Bridal Unity: Part 5- The Bridal Journey and Spiritual Warfare (2 Cor. 10)
Pauls call to engage in spiritual warfare and how we are to engage. Hint: Bridal Identity is key
Bridal Unity
Mark Torres
Senior Pastor
July 16, 2023
Current Sermon
Bridal Unity Part 4: Cultivating the Oil of Intimacy with God
Why cultivating oil with Jesus is the most important thing in your life!!
Bridal Unity
Mark Torres
Senior Pastor
June 11, 2023
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